Packed and ready
Posted by: James on December 30, 2008I have spent a few days in Asker just outside Oslo. I still had a few things to sort out here like gets a pair of skis and ski boots, which were rather essential to the whole project. That took a day.
Then I had to get a Norwegian SIM card which would allow me to send data so I could update this website and and upload pictures occasionally. I have the SIM card but it wont be validated until the 5th of Jan.
That left me a little time to relax in the the warm and hearty company of Ovind and Anna, with whom I was staying in Asker, near Oslo. The temperature outside is down to minus 9 and still falling but the atmosphere inside is happy and jocular. Thanks guys.
Finally this evening I packed my rucksack for the last time. Despit my best efforts I have only managed to keep to it 27 kilos. It has a weeks worth of food in it but this is only about 5 kilos. I think I will be cursing it soon.
So not all is set for me to take the 3 busses down to the very south of Norway tomorrow. I will probably camp at or near the lighthouse at Lindesnes, which marks the southern tip of Norway.
Despite the cold temperatures the coastal fringe is devoid of snow for a good 100 km inland until the mountains start near a place called Ljosland. This will mean walking along tracks and through the occasional forest until I can put my skis on. Thereafter there should be snow galore.
December 30th, 2008 at 9:53 pm
lykke til og god tur!